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Samuel Rawson Gardiner

Oliver Cromwell

ISBN: 978-3-86347-320-4

Die Lieferung erfolgt nach 5 bis 8 Werktagen.

EUR 49,50Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Deutschlands

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Produktart: Buch
Verlag: SEVERUS Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum: 04.2013
Seiten: 284
Sprache: Englisch
Einband: Paperback


'The man - it is ever so with the noblest - was greater than his work.' Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) is undoubtedly one of the most controversial figures in the history of the British Isles. After his religious conversion towards Puritanism in the 1630s, the future Lord Protector engaged in political conduct that was rather controversial. Up to the present day, opinions on him vary widely. The author himself is a descendant of Cromwell and a strong advocate for his ancestor’s work, whom he regarded as a hero of liberty. Being a Regius Professor of Modern History, Gardiner was the foremost historian of the Puritan revolution of his day. In this biography, the author manages successfully to approach Cromwell’s eventful life in a scientific way, without losing touch with Cromwell’s personal view which is supported by historical documents such as letters and speeches.

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