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Robert Sencourt

The Life of George Meredith. Biography of a poet

ISBN: 978-3-86347-244-3

Die Lieferung erfolgt nach 5 bis 8 Werktagen.

EUR 34,90Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Deutschlands

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Produktart: Buch
Verlag: SEVERUS Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum: 08.2012
Seiten: 336
Sprache: Englisch
Einband: Paperback


George Meredith is one of the most underrated Victorian writers. Today he is best remembered for his novel The Egoist” and his sonnet cycle Modern Love”. Throughout his life, Meredith struggled with success due to his unconventional style. He combines vivid prose with subtle nuances of poetry the mood of his poems ranges from tragic and desolate to lively and rapturous. He writes with sentiment, but also with sharp logic. Robert Esmonde Sencourt not only narrates the author’s hardships and triumphs, but also exposes Meredith’s influences. In equally picturesque yet clear language he shows how Romanticism, realism, and German idealism have formed his unique character and one of Britain’s finest writers.

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